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Fast Pack Case Study

Fast Pack DDMRP Case study

ABM Cloud webinar. Head of Procurement Department, FastPack, Irina Yurchenko talks about the implementation of Intuiflow, project management, and more.

Daniele Serlini – Project Manager/ Ivar

daniele serlini Ivar testimonial

Daniele Serlini is a project manager for IVAR in charge of DDRMP. He is in charge of keeping service level and maintaining a smooth transition. Since implementation, service levels have decreased, and DDMRP has allowed him to dynamically change the behavior of the system.

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95% throughout pandemic.

ABI Attachments

Intuiflow has given us a lot more insight into our inventory control, production planning, and materials planning than we’d had before.


Listen to this presentation to understand IVAR’s DDMRP journey.


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