Building Supply Chain Agility in the Automotive Industry

The automotive industry has developed sophisticated techniques for dealing with its deep, global network of suppliers and manufacturers. Yet these traditional concepts were built on the assumption of a stability that no longer exists. Longer lead times, volatile customer demand, and new innovations, variations, and options have all led to increased disruption and volatility.

 The challenge for organizations across the automotive industry supply chain is that the replenishment of materials and subcomponents is almost always forecast driven. This process works well for some components, but not for those with a high degree of volatility in demand or supply—especially if their availability is critical to meeting the production schedule.

Automotive Industry Webinar - Part 1

In Session 1, Xabier Tudanca – Director of purchasing & logistics of Satuerca, and Manuel Castro – Managing Partner of CMG Consultores, presented Satuerca’s supply chain journey. They shared with us the challenges the automotive company faced prior to its collaboration with Demand Driven Technologies, and how the application of demand driven tactics enabled them to reduce inventory by 30%, increase production capacity by 20%, and keep expediting to a minimum.

Automotive Industry Webinar - Part 2 with demo

MAY 18 – 11 AM EST

Session 2, led by Erik Bush – CEO of Demand Driven Technologies, will present an overview of key automotive supply chain issues and challenges. This will be followed by a demonstration of how the application of demand driven concepts and key features within our Intuiflow address the needs of automotive industry suppliers. The demonstration will illustrate how manufacturers can  improve alignment of materials to true market demand while improving inventory levels and achieving higher OTIF performance. 


What You Will Learn in this Series

Tactics to:

Automotive leaders leverage Demand Driven Planning

Building Supply Chain Agility in the Automotive Industry - Pt2