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Let’s Simplify the Management of our Supply Chains

By Bernard Milian

“Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication” Leonardo da Vinci

Over the last few decades, manufacturers and distributors have made huge technological investments in their supply chains. At the same time, we’ve invested heavily in developing sophisticated supply chain management processes. Too often, however, any similarity between our technologies (ERP, DRP, APS, etc.) and our processes is a matter of luck more than design.

The continued evolution of technologies, with their promise of artificial intelligence, machine learning, sophisticated collaborative planning platforms, etc., can lead to an extra layer of complexity on top of the almost hopelessly convoluted supply chain management systems many organizations already have in place.

At the same time, the environments in which we work are becoming increasingly complex and dynamic – one need look no further than the most recent impacts of COVID-19 on our supply chains – and we’re forced to admit that the plans established with our sophisticated systems are often obsolete as soon as they’re generated.

The answer to today’s complexity isn’t to continue to add layers of complexity. The answer is to simplify our systems and processes. The less “moving parts” we have, the more we enable our people to make the best decision possible at any given moment.  (And isn’t that what managing a supply chain is all about?)

A Demand Driven Operating Model (DDOM) that is aligned to true market signals and focuses our attention on the things that really matter is a real weapon in the fight against complexity.

Demand Driven Technologies provides simple, intuitive tools that offer the visibility and insights your people need to make decisions quickly and effectively, for dramatic results. Our customers are often able to compress lead times by as much as 80% and reduce inventory by as much as 45%.

Demand Driven Technologies has a wide variety of resources available to help you explore the Demand Driven Operating Model.

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