DDMRP in Automotive
The automotive industry supply chain is a marvel of human ingenuity and innovation. While the industry has made great strides, there remains substantial opportunity for further improvements in the efficiency of the automotive industry supply chain. In this whitepaper, CEO Erik Bush outlines how DDMRP can help provide substantial improvements in supply chain performance through reduced inventory levels and reduced expedited freight expense while maintaining or increasing on-time, in-full delivery performance.
DDMRP in Food and Beverage
The Food and Beverage (F&B) industry has always been a highly competitive and challenging segment in which to operate. The segment has become even more challenging as producers have seen a dramatic increase in consumer preference for greater product diversity over the past 10 years. In this whitepaper, CEO Erik Bush outlines how DDMRP can help navigate in this difficult segment.
Simulating DDMRP Buffers
Just how robust are DDMRP Buffers? We used completely random data supplied by 57 different sources to test the resiliency of the DDMRP method in both long and short lead time environments. The results speak for themselves.
Adapting to Supply Chain Disruption
Supply chain leaders have dealt with disruption since well before the pandemic. Strategies for addressing VUCA—an acronym that stands for volatility, uncertainty, complexity, and ambiguity—have circulated in business management journals for the better part of a decade. Industry watchers have warned about dangers that range from natural disasters to trade disputes.