Powering Your Intuitive Supply Chain
Here’s what sets Intuiflow apart.
Agility At Scale
State-of-the-Art Security
Real Time Visibility
The data you need at your fingertips. Intuiflow’s API enables a seamless integration with your company’s ERP system along with your partners’ software, bringing all the information you need in one platform.
Robust ERP Integrations
Our platform integrates seamlessly with all ERPs, including:
Fast Time to Value
Break the consulting cycle with a software implementation that uses AI/ML to analyze your business environment, simulate different scenarios, and recommend the most effective parameters. Drive results in days, not weeks — and continue refining your environment with adaptive analysis and insights. Read more about our six-step implementation process.
Advanced Analytics
Your company and your supply chain are unique; and so is the information you need. PowerBI embedded allows you to remain competitive in a world full of uncertainties by providing you the information you need both for your day-to-day and your most strategic decisions.
Intuitive Workflow
Modern supply chains are complex. Running them doesn’t have to be. Intuiflow makes managing operations more intuitive by delivering actionable insights about resources, inventory, opportunities, and risks. Spend less time manipulating data and more time making natural, intuitive decisions about what matters most to your business.