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The Bottom Line Benefits of DDMRP

In my last post, I talked briefly about the benefits of being demand driven using Demand Driven Material Requirements Planning (DDMRP): lower inventory levels and increased service levels.

You may be thinking, “Yeah, Ivan, that all sounds good, but isn’t that what other methodologies like Lean Manufacturing were supposed to do? What’s the difference here?”

If so, you’d be right. DDMRP exploits some of the principles found in other methodologies, but it also modifies them and arranges them into a consistent, organized, and easily executable process. The first key principle, and the one that separates DDMRP from many other approaches, is that of decoupling stock buffers.

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How DDMRP Can Help You Improve Operations in 2020

As the DDMRP practice leader for PwC, I’ve had to do my fair share of explaining demand-driven concepts both internally and to customers. I want to thank Demand-Driven Technologies for giving me the opportunity to share my thoughts on their blog.

In this first post, I want to speak to the business leaders in the company about why they should be exploring the benefits of DDMRP. In a follow-up post, I’ll dig more into some key DDMRP concepts for the practitioners in the audience who are well-versed in traditional material requirements and supply chain planning.

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A Paradigm Shift in Supply Chain Thinking

A DDMRP Practitioner Talks About the Evolution of PwC’s Global Operations Practice

Ivan Lavatelli is the operations leader for PwC Italy and the global lead for PwC’s DDMRP practice. He’s also been a driving force behind Demand Driven Technologies’ presence in the European market. We sat down to chat with Ivan about his experience evolving PwC’s operations focus from traditional APICS thinking about supply chain management to demand-driven MRP.

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