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At our June 2024 user conference Luca Cicchiello, Corporate VP of Supply Chain at Hutchinson, a global company with sales of over €4.5 billion, testified: “In our company, we’ve known...
A supply chain, industrial operations or distribution operations, is above all a flow. We start with raw materials, and a few steps later we have a finished product that meets...
I recently attended a Supply Chain conference, where it became clear that we, industry professionals, have been terrible predators – criminals. Over the past 4 decades, we have relocated production...
For your production orders or supplier orders, having promised dates in the past means you know how to travel time: “We’ll receive this last week” – remember the De Lorean?...
It’s no secret that AI is all vogue. When you’re in the supply chain software solutions business, if you don’t have AI, you’re a has-been. Don’t worry, we’ve started to...
Service rate – on time in full – is THE most important performance measure for a supply chain – it measures our ability to deliver on time. OK, but what...
Warning 1: this article is not (too) much about artificial intelligence, and not at all about generative artificial intelligence, or LLM. If you’re a fan of shiny stuff that contributes...
An airplane is complex. There are tens of thousands of parts in the bill of materials for an airliner. To supply these parts, there’s a whole network of tier 1 suppliers, tier...
Factories prioritize value creation – the flow analysis from a factory determines the company’s ability to respond to its markets.  When you visit a factory, beyond the state-of-the-art machines, the impressive technologies, and...
A company seeks to satisfy the demand of its market – and therefore to ensure the availability of the goods and services it provides. A company faces capacity constraints – machines, people, skills, materials. To remain...
The world of supply chain experts loves a good turf war.  When, ten years ago, I began to take an interest in the subject and to promote Demand Driven tactics...
In our education, delaying work is not good. If you’re in the supply chain business, you’re even more inclined to anticipate – you’re resolutely forward-looking. If you’re in the supply...
We meet companies who are investing hundreds of thousands or even millions of dollars in their own digitalization projects – systems designed to meet their specific supply chain processes. It’s...
Pull flow is not a new technique. In the industrial era, Kanban loops have been around since at least the middle of the 20th century. The principle has likely been...
In a production workshop, with a supplier, in transport, there are …brrr, it’s a bit scary… yes, yes… supply chain EMERGENCIES. In my career, I’ve seen all kinds: red, bright red,...