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Understanding Supply Chain APIs

supply chain api

The role of the supply chain manager is by nature very transverse. It is to orchestrate the collaboration of disparate functions — sales, production, marketing, product development, and more — and deliver a flawless service to the company’s customers, while ensuring profitability. Supply chain leaders must therefore be able to speak multiple languages with their … Read more

Mastering Lead Times in a Demand Driven Model

lead times: hourglass

Our management systems are based on technical data, often maintained by dedicated teams. Rigor and discipline are required to maintain this data on an ongoing basis. If you have participated in an ERP implementation, you know how much attention is paid to the subject — which sometimes drifts a bit afterwards. But what is sometimes … Read more

Shop floor 4.0: Eliminating Floating Bottlenecks

floating bottleneck

In our first article on the 4.0 shop floor, we looked at how to start production orders at the right time. Then, we discussed how to optimize production batch size, synchronize manufacturing flows, and accelerate production flows. In this article, we’ll outline how to eliminate floating bottlenecks. Trying to Catch up on Backlogs? We were running behind … Read more

Assessing Demand Variability

demand variability - roller coaster

Even today, we encounter companies that have difficulty differentiating their stocking strategies according to demand profiles. Have you ever been instructed to put a month’s worth of stock on hand to secure sales? In several industrial and distribution sectors, this policy is simply based on ensuring a certain number of days of coverage, and it’s … Read more

How to Automate Finite Capacity Scheduling

how to automate finite capacity scheduling

In our series on the 4.0 shop floor, we’ve examined how to start production orders at the right time, optimize production batch size, synchronize manufacturing flows, and accelerate production flows. In this article, we’ll discuss how to automate finite capacity scheduling according to DDMRP principles. Combining Pull Flow and Capacity Constraints It’s important to pull manufacturing flows … Read more

Shopfloor 4.0: Accelerating Production Flows

In our first article on the 4.0 shop floor, we looked at how to start production orders at the right time. Then, we discussed how to optimize production batch size and synchronize manufacturing flows. In this article, we’ll outline how to use queues to accelerate production flows. Managing Production Flow If you have ever participated in value … Read more

Shop Floor 4.0: Modeling resources

manufacturing resource modeling

The 4.0 shop floor is about being agile, responding to real customer demand, and making priorities visible and decisions intuitive for all. In our first article on the topic, we looked at how to start production orders at the right time. Then, we discussed how to optimize production batch size. In this article, we’ll discuss … Read more

Shop floor 4.0: Adapting Production Batch Sizes to Flow

production batch sizes

The 4.0 shop floor is about being agile, responding to real customer demand, and making priorities visible and decisions intuitive for all. In this series of articles, we look back at the key principles of a demand-driven operating model for the Industry 4.0. The Ideal of “One-Piece Flow” Lean has promoted an ideal of reducing … Read more

Shop Floor 4.0: How to Release Work at the Right Time!

The 4.0 shop floor — so talked about of late — is not only about incorporating real-time technology and digital tools. The 4.0 shop floor must be agile and respond to real customer demand. Lead times must be short, priorities must be visible, and decisions must be intuitive for all. In this series of articles, we look back at … Read more

Developing Intuitive S&OP Processes

Associating intuition and S&OP processes may seem… counterintuitive, right? For most companies that practice it, the S&OP process involves gathering information, facts, and hypotheses to analyze and then use to develop an action plan — a roadmap for negotiating changes in the coming months.  It’s all about data crunching, logical reasoning, putting together elements from … Read more

Supply Chain Planning Automation

supply chain planning automation

Automation has taken over distribution platforms and industrial sites. Robots and machines are used to prepare orders and manufacture our products. However, supply chain planning remains a human prerogative — a task for planners, buyers, master schedulers, forecasters, supply chain managers, and so on. Is this is something to be welcomed or worried about? Companies … Read more